Archive for październik, 2014


CSR in food industry

Deli Traiteur photo Marek Grzybowski  SAM_2675 SAM_2500 SAM_2548 VOCA  photo Marek Grzybowski SAM_2462 VOKA  photo Marek Grzybowski  SAM_2463

Evolution from a one (wo)man business to a multinational – to główny temat podróży studyjnej dla przedsiębiorców zorganizowanej w ramach projektu, którego liderem jest region Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Przedstawiciele Polskiego Klastra Morskiego i Pomorskiej Specjalnej Strefy Ekonomicznej byli członkami międzynarodowego zespołu, który uczestniczył w seminarium. Przedstawiciele z Włoch, Węgier, Niemiec, Polski i Belgii w ramach projektu mieli możliwość zapoznania z zarządzaniem, logistyką, marketingiem i obsługą klienta w wybranych firmach flamandzkich. Organizatorem przedsięwzięcia była Voka, Chamber of Commerce of East Flanders. Read the rest of this entry »


Go&learn in Belgium

SAM_2491 SAM_2533 SAM_2572 SAM_2606 SAM_2618 Deli Traiteur photo Marek Grzybowski  SAM_2671 SAM_2677

CSR in food industry – Evolution from a one (wo) man business to a multinational – was the main theme of the study tour organized for entrepreneurs in the project, whose leaders are from Italian region of Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Representatives of the Polish Maritime Cluster and the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone were members of  an international team that participated in the seminar. During the project representatives from Italy, Hungary, Germany , Poland and Belgium have the opportunity to get acquainted with the management , logistics , marketing and customer service in selected Flemish companies. The organizer of the tour was Voka, Chamber of Commerce of East Flanders. Read the rest of this entry »


Trendy HR 2014 według Deloitte

Trendy HR 2014 według Deloitte

Nowa wiedza i rozwój kompetencji zamiast kariery na całe życie. Zmiany demograficzne, globalizacja, nowe technologie zmuszają pracodawców i pracowników do większej elastyczności.
W ciągu najbliższych 10 lat pokolenie Y (osoby urodzone pomiędzy 1983 a 1999 rokiem) będzie stanowiło 75 proc. siły roboczej na świecie. Z kolei wydłużenie wieku emerytalnego oznacza dla firm konieczność zarządzania pracownikami, reprezentującymi różne pokolenia. Dodatkowo, kryzys spowodował, że relacje pomiędzy pracodawcą a podwładnym muszą opierać się na większej elastyczności. Zarówno w Polsce, jak i na świecie najbardziej widocznym trendem w zarządzaniu kapitałem ludzkim staje się budowanie skutecznego przywództwa, które będzie umiało pogodzić wyzwania biznesowe z rosnącymi aspiracjami pracowników. Raport firmy doradczej Deloitte „Trendy HR 2014 – jak przyciągnąć i utrzymać pracowników w XXI wieku ” wskazuje także na trzy inne priorytetowe wyzwania dla dyrektorów HR, tj. utrzymanie pracowników i wzbudzenie ich zaangażowania, rozwój funkcji HR oraz pozyskiwanie nowych talentów. Read the rest of this entry »


Business Model Innovation

BCG - Driving Growth with Business Model Innovation

Driving Growth with Business Model Innovation by Zhenya Lindgardt and Margaret Ayers October 08, 2014

Today, with increased marketplace volatility and the rising diversity of attractive customer segments, business models age faster than ever before—making business model innovation an important strategy for driving value-creating growth. It can be deployed to both defend and disrupt: a powerful response to declining competitiveness and a decisive means to seize new opportunities. Read the rest of this entry »


Deloitte Technology Fast 50 2014 Ranking

DeloitteTechnology Fast 50 2014 Ranking

  • The average growth rate of CE’s Fast 50 technology companies rises to 698% from 671% in 2013
  • Companies from 10 countries are represented
  • 26 companies enter the ranking for the first time, 10 move up and 14 move downwards
  • Software companies (26 entries) again lead the ranking, followed by internet (12) and telecoms/networking (6) businesses

The pace of change among Central Europe’s fastest-growing technology companies has been enormously rapid over the last year. This is clearly demonstrated in the 2014 edition of Deloitte’s CE Technology Fast 50 report, in which four of the top five companies showing the strongest revenue growth rate over the last five years (2009 – 2013) are new entries to the ranking.

Hungarian online sale of accommodation business leads the way with a five-year revenue growth rate of 2259%. Next place goes to Polish financial comparison website (1962%), which rises from fourth place in the 2013 report. The next three places are also occupied by new entrants: Serbia’s High Tech Engineering Center (1777%); Romanian software developer ITNT (1433%); and Polish web development agency Netguru (1386%).


 The Top 10


Company Name:


Company website:

Type of business

FAST 50 Rank

1 Kft. Hungary Internet 2259%

2 S.A. Poland Internet 1962%


High Tech Engineering Center llc. Serbia Software 1777%


ITNT S.R.L. Romania Internet 1433%


Netguru Sp. z o.o. Poland Software 1386%


ITMAGINATION Sp. z o.o. Poland Software 1342%


Ruptela UAB Lithuania Telecommunications / Networking 1211%

8 Kft. Hungary Kft Software 1183%


Infinum d.o.o. Croatia Software 1168%


Dolphio Consulting Kft. Hungary Software 968%


CE Fast 50 Eligibility criteria

Companies must meet the below criteria to be eligible for one of the categories of the Technology Fast 50.

Deloitte representatives will verify the accuracy of revenues reported by companies by comparing them against the companies’ financial statements, to be provided to Deloitte by request. Deloitte does not audit the companies nor does it analyze their financial standing.

Revenue growth is calculated in local currency. Companies must meet a minimum revenue threshold (in Euros) in order to qualify.

Participants can be public or private, and encompass all technology industry segments including:

  • Biotech / Pharmaceutical / Medical equipment,
  • Telecommunications / Networking,
  • Computers / Peripherals,
  • Internet,
  • Semiconductors, components and electronics,
  • Media and entertainment,
  • Software,
  • Greentech.


Category – Technology Fast 50

Participants must meet the following criteria in order to be eligible for the Technology Fast 50 ranking:

  • Must be a technology company, defined as follows:
  • an owner of proprietary technology that contributes to a significant portion of the company’s operating revenues;
  • a company that devotes a significant portion of revenues to research and development of technology.
  • Must have operating revenues of at least €50,000 each year (exchange rates are based on annual average given by the central bank of the company’s respective national currency). Revenue must be accounted for on a consistent basis during a period of five years.
  • Must be a company that has been in business for a minimum of five years.
  • Must have an ownership structure that excludes majority-owned subsidiaries of strategic entities.
  • Must be headquartered within one of the following Central European countries: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, or Slovenia or have shares listed on a European stock exchange (subsidiaries do not qualify).


Category – Rising Stars

For consideration in the Rising Star category, a company must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a technology company defined as follows: ◦an owner of proprietary technology that contributes to a significant portion of the company’s operating revenues;
  • a company that devotes a significant portion of revenues to research and development of technology.
  • Must have operating revenues of at least €30,000 (exchange rates are based on annual average given by the central bank of the company’s respective national currency). Revenue must be accounted for on a consistent basis.
  • Must be a company that has been in business for a minimum of three but less than five years.
  • Must have an ownership structure that excludes majority-owned subsidiaries of strategic entities.
  • Must be headquartered within one of the following Central European countries: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, or Slovenia or have shares listed on a European stock exchange (subsidiaries do not qualify).


Category – Big 5

For consideration in the Big 5 category, a company must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a technology company, defined as follows: ◦an owner of proprietary technology that contributes to a significant portion of the company’s operating revenues;
  • a company that devotes a significant portion of revenues to research and development of technology.
  • Must have operating revenues of at least €50,000 (exchange rates are based on annual average given by the central bank of the company’s respective national currency). Revenue must be accounted for on a consistent basis during a period of five years.
  • Must have 2013 revenues in excess of €25 million.
  • Must be a company that has been in business for a minimum of five years.
  • Must have an ownership structure that excludes majority-owned subsidiaries of strategic entities.
  • Must be headquartered within one of the following Central European countries: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, or Slovenia or have shares listed on a European stock exchange (subsidiaries do not qualify).