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Arne Vatnøy: The idea behind Norwegian Offshore Wind is that we are industry driven

Norwegian Offshore Wind Cluster –  to maximize opportunities for the Norwegian OWI
 Marek Grzybowski (5) questions to Arne Vatnøy, Communication Manager,  Norwegian Offshore Wind
An exclusive interview to Baltic Journalist Maritime Club  of the Baltic Sea & Space Cluster  (BSSC)

The dynamic between the small startups, SMEs and the large international companies is core of collaboration in the Norwegian Offshore Wind cluster. The organization has several meeting places where are organized B2Bs between the cluster members, and they are also represented in our working groups for different markets and supply chain issues.

The idea behind Norwegian Offshore Wind is that the Norwegian Offshore Wind is industry driven. All the working groups are led be a representative from Cluster  member companies. With the position that Norway has as pioneers withing the floating offshore wind industry, it is natural that the Norway is the host country of the global flagship event for floating wind.

Marek Grzybowski: The Norwegian government’s target is 30 GW by 2040. Multiconsult’s mapping shows much greater potential for the construction of new offshore wind farms along the entire coast. Norwegian Offshore Wind, together with developers Equinor, Source Galileo, Hafslund and Deep Wind Offshore, commissioned the preparation of the report. Is it possible to build 338 GW of offshore wind energy in Norway?

Arne Vatnøy, Norwegian Offshore Wind: This report shows that there are large areas we need to examine further in the process of finding new areas for offshore wind development. The industry supports the government´s ambitious goal of 30 GW by 2040, and we will contribute constructively with input in the process of finding the best suited areas. We see that there is a large potential, especially within floating offshore wind, and the industry will continue to provide new insight that will bring the development forward.

Marek Grzybowski: The report places particular emphasis on cooperation with other maritime industries. What are the industries? How will industries related to the blue economy work together?

Arne Vatnøy, Norwegian Offshore Wind: In Norway, we have a good dialogue with the fishing organizations, and this is vital to succeed with further offshore wind development. When we are going to find new areas for offshore wind we need insight and knowledge that secure coexistence. We work together with different interest groups in the government´s coexistence group, and we are also facilitating debates, discussions, seminars and meeting places with all the industries related to the blue economy. At this year´s Floating Wind Days, coexistence is of course high on the agenda.

Marek Grzybowski: Norwegian Offshore Wind achieved ARENA Pro Cluster status through Norwegian Innovation Clusters in 2021. Norwegian Offshore Wind Cluster members range from small start-ups to international companies. What is the cooperation of these companies in the Cluster? How does the cluster achieve the synergy effect?

Arne Vatnøy, Norwegian Offshore Wind: The dynamic between the small startups, SMEs and the large international companies is core of collaboration in our organization. We have several meeting places where we organize B2Bs between our members, and they are also represented in our working groups for different markets and supply chain issues. All the consortia applying for the Norwegain offshore wind parks are represented in our cluster, and they are working together to influence policy makers and authorities in our Developers Forum.

Marek Grzybowski: There are 17 working groups in the Norwegian Offshore Wind cluster. There is also a steering committee in the cluster. Why was this structure created? What is the role of these Cluster structures in the development of innovation and business?

Arne Vatnøy, Norwegian Offshore Wind: The idea behind Norwegian Offshore Wind is that we are industry driven. All the working groups are led be a representative from our member companies. The steering committee is also put together to represent the diversity in this industry. Their role is to help create the strategy for the cluster and make sure that it is the opinions of the industry that drive our work forward.

Marek Grzybowski: Floating Wind Days 2023 will be held in Haugesund on May 24-25th. What is the mission and main purpose and role of this event? Who will the speakers be?  

Arne Vatnøy, Norwegian Offshore Wind: With the position that Norway has as pioneers withing the floating offshore wind industry, it is natural that we are the host country of the global flagship event for floating wind. We have more than hundred speakers, see the full list and program at This year´s festival is opened by the Prime Minister of Norway.

Marek Grzybowski: Thank you for your answers



Sevenet Story Scene SOPOT 18 maja 2023


To autorskie wydarzenie SEVENET, podczas którego opowiadamy nasze historie, ale i historie z naszym udziałem (czyli wdrożenia, opowieści technologiczne, etc). Każda prelekcja stanowi niejako kolejną, odrębną scene, która finalnie łączy się w jedną, wspólną całość. Łącznikiem tych historii jest Sevenet, jako integrator i partner w biznesie.

Sevenet S. A. jest firmą z branży IT, zajmującą się od 1997 roku dostawą zaawansowanych rozwiązań teleinformatycznych dla przedsiębiorstw
i instytucji w Polsce. Od czerwca 2011 roku akcje Spółki notowane są w Alternatywnym Systemie Obrotu rynku NewConnect.




Sesja Plenarna: Evidence-based growth™ Jak szlifować kompetencje, rozwijać talenty i korzystać z narzędzi, które weryfikuje nauka. 11:00 – 11:30 prelegent: Piotr Bucki
Sesja 1: A czemu by nie ćwierkać? Jeden system – wiele kanałów. Webex Connect – rewolucja w komunikacji. 11:30 – 12:00
Prelegent: Arkadiusz Rybacki / Sevenet S.A. Prelegent: Adrian Królikowski / Sevenet S.A.
Sesja 2: Gastroskopia po 40-ce, czyli analityka w data center w dobie przepustowości 40G i więcej. 12:00 – 12:20
Prelegent: Krzysztof Załęski / Sevenet S.A.
PRZERWA KAWOWA 12:20 – 12:40
Sesja 3: Dajmy nura i zajrzyjmy głębiej – wzbogacenie widoczności SD-WAN przy wykorzystaniu Cisco ThousandEyes. 12:40 – 13:00
Prelegent: Rafał Piwko / Sevenet S.A.
Sesja 4: Parasol na pochmurną pogodę. Cisco SASE (Umbrella & DUO) – rozwiązania bezpieczeństwa serwowane natywnie z chmury. 13:00 – 13:20 Prelegent: Bartosz Kuca / Sevenet S.A.
Sesja 5: Cyberbezpieczeństwo od A do Z, czyli od DNS poprzez mikrosegmentacje, a skończywszy na sieciach przemysłowych OT. Case study. 13:20 – 13:40 Prelegent: Aleksander Jagosz / Sevenet S.A. Prelegent: Marcin Białkowski / Sevenet S.A. Prelegent: Marcin Kornafel / Sevenet S.A.
LUNCH 13:40 – 15:00
NETWORKING 15:00 – 19:00
KOLACJA 19:00 – 20:00



GÓRY ZARZĄDZANIA – Konferencja hybrydowa – 29 maja 2023

Ostatnie lata to pasmo zawirowań, których doświadczamy. Wybuchła pandemia, Rosja zaatakowała Ukrainę, co wywołało kryzys humanitarny i masową falę uchodźców. Na dodatek coraz silniej odczuwamy zmiany klimatu w postaci wydłużających się okresów suszy i opadów, czy różnego rodzaju huraganów, trzęsień ziemi i innych zjawisk meteorologicznych. Wyzwaniem stało się odejście od paliw kopalnych i znalezienie alternatywnych źródeł energii.

Żeby tego rodzaju wyzwaniom sprostać wymaga się od nas elastyczności, innowacyjnego podejścia do zarządzania, przewartościowania celów. Zdajemy sobie sprawę jak ważna jest synergia różnorodnych środowisk: samorządowców, naukowców, przedstawicieli sektora prywatnego, ngo’sów, które w naturalny sposób tworzą fundament dla innowacji i rozwoju, także w obszarach związanych z planowaniem energetycznym. Dlatego właśnie chciałbym zwrócić Państwa uwagę na przedsięwzięcie pt. „Góry Zarządzania”, które odbędzie się 29 maja 2023 r. w Szczawnie Zdrój niedaleko Wrocławia. Konferencja w całości będzie poświęcona zarządzaniu w czasie kryzysu.


Instytut Maxa Webera zaprasza na pierwszą edycję konferencji i warsztatów GÓRY ZARZĄDZANIA, które odbędą się w dniu 29 maja 2023 roku w Teatrze Zdrojowym w Szczawnie Zdroju. Góry Zarządzania to pierwsza edycja konferencji i warsztatów dedykowanych samorządom, nauce oraz biznesowi. Synergia wielu środowisk, które w naturalny sposób tworzą fundament dla innowacji i rozwoju, a także: tworzenie partnerstw, ciągły proces doskonalenia obszarów zarządzania organizacją, aktualizacja przyjętych strategii, celów w odniesieniu do zmian w otoczeniu, kryzysów i czasów niepewności, a także zdobywanie praktycznych, operacyjnych umiejętności w zakresie szeroko rozumianych funkcji zarządzania: planowania, organizowania, motywowania i kontrolowania podczas prowadzonych warsztatów, to cele, które przyświecają idei GÓR ZARZĄDZANIA.

GORY ZARZADZANIA program 29-05-2023

Przedsięwzięcie organizowane w dniu 29 maja 2023 roku poświęcone będzie: ZARZĄDZANIU W CZASACH KRYZYSU, rozpocznie się o godzinie 10.00 i potrwa do godziny 15.00 w Teatrze Zdrojowym w Szczawnie Zdroju. Przedsięwzięcie jest odpłatne, proponujemy uczestnictwo stacjonarne lub zdalne, gdyż konferencja będzie w całości transmitowana – online.


Miło nam poinformować, że wśród zaproszonych ekspertów, którzy wystąpią podczas GÓR ZARZĄDZANIA będą między innymi:
 Profesor Andrzej Kaleta – Rektor Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
 Profesor Ewa Bogacz – Wojtanowska – Dziekan Wydziału Zarządzania i Komunikacji Społecznej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie
 Profesor Marian Noga – Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we Wrocławiu,
 Profesor Paweł Bartoszczuk – Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie,
 Profesor Marek Banaszkiewicz – Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN
 Profesor Kesra Nermend – Uniwersytet Szczeciński
 Grzegorz Dziarski – Związek Miast Polskich
 Monika Bartosiewicz – Niziołek – Prezes Polskiego Towarzystwa Ewaluacyjnego
 Profesor Kazimierz Perechuda – Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu
 Marek Pasztetnik – Prezes Zachodniej Izby Gospodarczej,

 Profesor Stanisław Czaja – Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu,
 Doktor Karolina Lipińska – Politechnika Gdańska,
 Profesor Jerzy Korczak – Uniwersytet Wrocławski,
 Krzysztof Kras – Grupa Kras,
 Antoni Piechniczek – trener polskiej reprezentacji w piłce nożnej.


Daniel Garden, CEO, Blue Maritime Cluster: The cluster companies total revenues are estimated to 58 bn NOK in 2023

5 questions to Daniel Garden, CEO, Blue Maritime Cluster.  

An exclusive interview to Baltic Journalist Maritime Club  of the Baltic Sea & Space Cluster  (BSSC)

By: Marek Grzybowski (BSSC)

The Blue Maritime cluster is a National maritime cluster mandated by the Royal Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries to accelerate innovation within the maritime supply chain.  The cluster companies total revenues are estimated to 58 bn NOK in 2023 against 54 bn in 2022. Our export share is 50% on average divided between yards (NOK 2.5 bn), shipping companies (3.3 bn), services (6.7 bn) and equipment suppliers (11.1 bn).

New Blue Deal, launched in june 2021, where we take aim on becoming the first zero emission maritime cluster in the world. Many initiatives around the world are looking at new green alternative fuels and energy to run the ships of tomorrow. We look at the energy sources. Yes they must be low and zero emission. How do we produce them, harvest them and how do we establish an infrastructure for them? Furthermore we look at the energy consumption in the vessels. Not only engines and generators, but the complete consumption of energy that goes into a ship. Where can we save?

Through our work in R&D and competence elevation, we are determined to develop a complete green newbuilding program, a green refit program and a circular value chain for decommissioning – all based on the New Blue Deal directions.

Marek Grzybowski: Please, describe the fields in which the Cluster operates? In which region of Norway are the companies operating in the cluster concentrated?

Daniel Garden, CEO, Blue Maritime Cluster:

The Blue Maritime cluster is a National maritime cluster mandated by the Royal Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries to accelerate innovation within the maritime supply chain. We facilitate R&D projects, pre-studies, competence project and analysis activities in order to provide the participants with market intelligence and knowledge within commerce, technology or methodology. The geografical concentration of this industry is highest in the region between Trondheim and Bergen on the west coast.

Marek Grzybowski: In 2014, due its unique global market position and its important contribution to Norwegian value creation, the cluster was granted the status of a Global Centre of Expertise. What role does Blue Maritime Cluster play in the green transition?

Daniel Garden, CEO, Blue Maritime Cluster:

I would start with mentioning the even more important cluster strategy, New Blue Deal, launched in june 2021, where we take aim on becoming the first zero emission maritime cluster in the world. Many initiatives around the world are looking at new green alternative fuels and energy to run the ships of tomorrow. To us, the ships of tomorrow must also require far less energy to operate in order to accommodate reduced energy concentration or other scarcities accompanied with alternative energy sources. Looking at both these topics simultaneously, we believe we can arrive at the goal faster. Combining this work with the unique position and skills our cluster has within maritime innovation, we believe we will succeed.

Marek Grzybowski: What does the cluster build its competitive advantage on? What tasks related to raising the level of innovation does the cluster focus on? What technologies, solutions and businesses of the future are being developed. What projects are implemented by the cluster?

Daniel Garden, CEO, Blue Maritime Cluster:

We base our projects and competence development around the idea of the full supply chain is constantly challenging the established methods and technologies. By being the first with the latest solutions, we can compete against larger and/or cheaper regions of the world. I believe the entire European cluster would benefit from chasing such a position, actually.

As the whole maritime community of companies, research and universities, risk capital, public bodies and entrepreneurs are all represented in the cluster, we are also able to address the challenges, like zero emission. Our strategy on zero emission starts with the ship operations and looking at how they can become more efficient. The least polluting miles are the ones you never sail.
Then we look at the energy sources. Yes they must be low and zero emission. How do we produce them, harvest them and how do we establish an infrastructure for them? Furthermore we look at the energy consumption in the vessels. Not only engines and generators, but the complete consumption of energy that goes into a ship. Where can we save?
Moving on to smart use of energy, we look at how to develop methods and technologies that will let us use the energy over and over again. It can be heat recovery, regeneration on winches and more.

In an extended view, we will not succeed in net zero before we also look at the building and scrapping processes of the vessels. How can we build emission free? What new supply chains must be established? It is all very exciting work, I must admit.

Marek Grzybowski: The Steering Committee operates in the Cluster. What is its mission, what are its tasks, what is its role in creating development directions, projects and business activities? What are the most important directions for the development of the maritime business for the Møre maritime cluster?

Daniel Garden, CEO, Blue Maritime Cluster:

The Steering Committee is our board that oversees the cluster’s administration and strategic progress. Our development directions are formed on the basis of our strategy where the companies themselves initiate the topics on which to focus on. Our activity is dependent on the companies involving themselves in the projects, spending their time and money on them. So to reach a high level of committment we also need the projects to be relevant to the participants.

Through our work in R&D and competence elevation, we are determined to develop a complete green newbuilding program, a green refit program and a circular value chain for decommissioning – all based on the New Blue Deal directions.

Commercially, the Norwegian market is too small for us, and as export always has been an important part of the cluster’s revenues, developing the export is also an important foundation for our work.

Marek Grzybowski: The high level of the offer of innovative technologies results in a high level of revenues of companies operating in the Cluster in the Møre region. What is the overall revenue for the four main segments in Møre region in 2020-2022? What are the prospects for 2023? What is the share of export revenues? What is the future export potential for the maritime companies in the Møre region? What are Cluster export opportunities and barriers?

Daniel Garden, CEO, Blue Maritime Cluster:

The cluster companies total revenues are estimated to 58 bn NOK in 2023 against 54 bn in 2022. Our export share is 50% on average divided between yards (NOK 2.5 bn), shipping companies (3.3 bn), services (6.7 bn) and equipment suppliers (11.1 bn).

The governent has an ambition for 50% increase of export by 2030. Our cluster will be well prepared to take our share from the segments within ocean based energy, ocean based food and ocean based travel.

Marek Grzybowski: Thank you for your answers


Baltic Sea and Space Cluster and SimLE student science club meeting

The meeting of the Baltic Sea and Space Cluster project team with representatives of the SimLE student science club took place on April 24, 2023. Marcin Jasiukowicz and Igor Rusiecki represented of SimLE. BSSC was represented by: Marek Grzybowski, Krzysztof Anzelewicz, Michał Igielski, Zdzisław Długosz. The meeting was also attended by Maximilian Minta, CEO, NEPTUN Studio. The meeting was also attended by Zaneta Kłostowska, editor of and representing the Hydrogen Technology Cluster.

BSSC supports students who develop their design passions and proposes positioning their ideas in international projects and projects implemented for business. The cluster supports students in shortening their path to acting in business that creates innovative projects.

– The BSS Cluster Pentagon Helix HUB integrates the transfer of knowledge between science and business, supports social initiatives, local governments and administration, develops investor relations in the maritime and space industry. BSSC integrates technological, legal and economic solutions at the scientific, business and social level – informed Marek Grzybowski, president of the BSSC.

– We believe that practical engineering activities from the concept to the implementation and implementation of the solution are the most effective way to prepare students for their future professional or scientific career. The task of our Scientific Circle is to create teams and equip them with means to solve interesting engineering problems – said Marcin Jasiukowicz, Vice President  SimLE.

Companies have programs that support innovative ideas and work of students – said Żaneta Kłostowska.

Neptun Studio was created as a result of the commercialization of innovative ideas and solutions in the field of IT and AI – said Maxymilian Minta.

Baltic Sea and Space Cluster specialized research teams operate within six Hubs, which brings together 60 Polish innovative companies. There are currently six Hubs: ICT & AI, construction of zero-emission ships – ZEVInnovation, design and construction of installations producing green energy – GreenTech, scientific-research, legal-financial and educational. All hubs bring together around 60 companies, research centers and R&D units. They cooperate with a group of approximately 2,300 cooperators, companies specializing in the design and implementation of innovative marine and space technologies, research and development, education and professional training for maritime industries. For over a dozen years the Baltic Sea and Space Cluster (BSSC) has been supporting innovations and development in the field of research, entrepreneurship, administration and local government, which are related to the Baltic Sea Region and the world ocean.

More than 50 GUT students are actively involved in technical projects implemented by SimLE, who are supported by representatives of other Tri-City universities. The technical design department takes care of our ideas from drawing the first sketches to screwing in the last screw. Marcin Jasiukowicz and Magdalena Sadowska, GUT Gdańsk, SimLE Stardust were awarded by the jury of the ‘Young Stars’ competition during the conference Safe Planet & Space Conference – IO PAN – SOPOT – March 23th, organised by IO PAN with the Baltic Sea and Space Cluster and Commission of Space Sciences PAN GDAŃSK.

Research and development projects as well as joint investments for hydrogen economy are the Cluster’s key missions. Its members are cooperating in the fields of information exchange, building economic connections, services and technologies. Cluster establishes broad cooperation with domestic and foreign organizations and other cluster networks and conducts educational and promotional activities as well.

Today the cluster develops in the Pentagon Helix formula, integrating the transfer of knowledge between science and business, supporting social initiatives, local government and administration, developing investor relations, says Marek Grzybowski and explains that today the cluster’s activity is characterized by a holistic, integrative and global approach, making the activity of maritime industries part of Economy 4.0. – We owe our position also to the close cooperation with the Space Science Commission of the Gdańsk Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences. 4 conferences on space and maritime technologies, maritime and space law, economics and social sciences are organized jointly every year.

The next meetings were planned to position the ideas and activities of students from the Tri-City University in the maritime and space business.