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McKinsey: Women are more ambitious than ever


This is the ninth year of the Women in the Workplace report. Conducted in partnership with LeanIn.Org, this effort is the largest study of women in corporate America and Canada. This year, we collected information from 276 participating organizations employing more than ten million people. At these organizations, we surveyed more than 27,000 employees and 270 senior HR leaders, who shared insights on their policies and practices. The report provides an intersectional look at the specific biases and barriers faced by Asian, Black, Latina, and LGBTQ+ women and women with disabilities.

This year’s research reveals some hard-fought gains at the top, with women’s representation in the C-suite at the highest it has ever been. However, with lagging progress in the middle of the pipeline—and a persistent underrepresentation of women of color1—true parity remains painfully out of reach.

The survey debunks four myths about women’s workplace experiences and career advancement. A few of these myths cover old ground, but given the notable lack of progress, they warrant repeating. These include women’s career ambitions, the greatest barrier to their ascent to senior leadership, the effect and extent of microaggressions in the workplace, and women’s appetite for flexible work. We hope highlighting these myths will help companies find a path forward that casts aside outdated thinking once and for all and accelerates progress for women.

The rest of this article summarizes the main findings from the Women in the Workplace 2023 report and provides clear solutions that organizations can implement to make meaningful progress toward gender equality.

State of the pipeline

Over the past nine years, women—and especially women of color—have remained underrepresented across the corporate pipeline (Exhibit 1). However, we see a growing bright spot in senior leadership. Since 2015, the number of women in the C-suite has increased from 17 to 28 percent, and the representation of women at the vice president and senior vice president levels has also improved significantly.

Four myths about the state of women at work

This year’s survey reveals the truth about four common myths related to women in the workplace.

Myth: Women are becoming less ambitious
Reality: Women are more ambitious than before the pandemic—and flexibility is fueling that ambition

Myth: The biggest barrier to women’s advancement is the ‘glass ceiling’
Reality: The ‘broken rung’ is the greatest obstacle women face on the path to senior leadership

Myth: Microaggressions have a ‘micro’ impact
Reality: Microaggressions have a large and lasting impact on women

Myth: It’s mostly women who want—and benefit from—flexible work
Reality: Men and women see flexibility as a ‘top 3’ employee benefit and critical to their company’s success

More: McKinsey Report: Women in the Workplace Full Report (52 pages)


Green revolution in shipping. 6.5 thousand alternative fuel ships in 2025

By Marek Grzybowski

The Clarksons Green Technology Tracker study from May indicates that shipowners have committed a significant amount of tonnage investment to low-carbon technologies. Ships with engines adapted to use two or three types of fuel are increasingly ordered by operators and now account for 48% of the total order backlog. This means that operators will launch 843 ships with LNG installations on the market in the near future, according to Clarksons experts.

Ships with LNG systems are still popular with operators. Hence their large share in order portfolios. Shipowners gained experience in their operation, shipyards in the production of ships with gas-powered engines, and ports mastered the procedures for bunkering them from land and water.

A large fleet of ships with LNG systems is already in operation, including several ferries built at Remontowa Shipbuilding for a recipient from Canada and electric ships for Norway, Finland and Iceland from CRIST and Remontowa Shipbuilding. There are 362 ships adapted to use LNG in the seas and oceans.

Clarksons experts estimate that about 5 thousand. various types of technologies to save fuel and reduce emissions of harmful substances have been installed. On the other hand, 48% of the order book includes ships with systems using alternative fuels, with 191 ships equipped with engines adapted to burn ammonia in their contracts.

In Green Technology Tracker Clarksons calculates that by 2025 the share of ships with engines using alternative fuels will reach 6.5%. Today, it is estimated that a total of 5.5% of the merchant fleet is powered by alternative fuels, while in 2017 only about 2.3% of merchant ships used alternative fuels in their engines. It was mainly LNG.

LNG systems on ships dominate
“LNG is characterized by a tried and tested technology, a well-functioning supply chain and interchangeability in other applications,” emphasizes Nicola Contessi, a research fellow at the York Center for Asian Research in Toronto, specializing in shipping and transport, in Maritime Executive. He points out that the reduction of LNG imports by EU countries from Russia has strengthened these benefits.

Nicola Contessi has calculated that LNG fuels 93% of the active fleet using alternative fuel engines and 57.5% of the contracted fleet. As an example of the increase in demand for green fuels, he cites the sale of a bunker in Rotterdam in the second quarter of 2023. Indeed, the port of Rotterdam has seen an increase in demand for green fuels.

The percentage share of sales in Rotterdam of alternative fuel bunkers (including all bio-mixtures, LNG and methanol) increased by 10% in the quarter, compared to 7% in the first quarter. Demand for bunkering biofuels increased significantly in the second quarter of this year, after a drop in demand recorded in the first quarter.

S&P Global notes that “biofuels have become a popular choice among shipowners looking to decarbonise [ships in operation – MG], providing a drop-in solution that requires little or no ship modernization.”

Methanol, ammonia, hydrogen
Methanol is another fuel fleet operators rely on. The fuel can be used after the ship is rebuilt, or even better, when the installation is installed during construction. The solution is not as common as ships with LNG systems.

A limitation in the dissemination of methanol in ship propulsion systems is the poor adaptation of ports to handle this type of vessel. Ships capable of safely bunkering are not widely available at destination ports. The infrastructure that allows methanol to be bunkered from the quay is also not very developed.
Ammonia as a marine fuel still raises numerous concerns and objections. This is due to the fact that bunkering technology has not been extensively practiced and mastered. Therefore, the conditions and procedures for safety and environmental protection are not known.
Hydrogen on large ships is still the melody of the future. We already have the first solutions behind us. Hydrogen-powered ships have been introduced by leading technological countries, but these are still experiments at taxpayers’ expense.

Not (new) technologies
The green revolution on ships is not limited to the search for alternative fuels. Shipowners are looking for ways to save fuel consumption, often introducing several technical improvements.
Clarksons estimates that Energy Saving Technology (EST) has already been applied to more than 6,250 ships, representing 27.3% of the fleet (by deadweight).
The most commonly used are various types of propeller nozzles (>2000), modernized rudders (>1600), Flettner rotors (>20), rigid sails and spinnakers (>12), air lubrication systems for the hull (>350).
Not very new technology, but still not always common. Today, they are used more and more often, when shipowners have chosen to save fuel. Since the “slow steaming” system has already exhausted its possibilities, the time has come to dig up proven technical solutions and introduce new fuels.
The combination of many technical solutions is also a challenge for design offices as well as production and repair shipyards. The course for green ships is already set and the movement to introduce environmentally friendly solutions is accelerating. The green revolution in shipping is a fact and is gaining momentum.


BCG Reading List 2023

Our 2023 reading list features books that have captured the attention of BCGers from around the world. Covering topics from climate and sustainability to AI, these recommendations offer the chance to look forward with optimism and reflect on what we have left to learn about ourselves and our planet. We hope that these book recommendations help you discover something new, find inspiration, or simply while away a quiet afternoon.

Interested in more reading and listening recommendations? Keep the content coming.

Artificial Intelligence

AI continues to grow exponentially and so does BCGers’ interest in it. These books recommended by business leaders highlight how we can use it effectively and responsibly.

The equality machine book cover

The Equality Machine
“The Equality Machine is basically an optimistic point of view on how we can use digital and AI to make the world more inclusive. It provides a good counter-point to a lot of doom and gloom.”

Amanda Luther
Managing Director & Partner

AI 2041 by Kai-Fu Lee book cover
More: BCG

AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future
“New digital technologies such as AI, GenAI, augmented/mixed/virtual realities are expanding the art of the possible. We now need to build these possibilities into existence. This book provides the necessary inspiration.”

Tolu Oyekan
Managing Director & Partner

Alignment Problem by Brian Christin book cover

The Alignment Problem
“The Alignment Problem was written several years ago, but is still extremely relevant. I commonly recommend it to help folks understand responsible AI issues, their linkage to underlying data, and how longstanding societal issues contribute.”

Steve Mills
Managing Director & Partner


Climate and Sustainability

Naturally, BCGers are still very much concerned with our warming planet. This book and podcast give a picture of how we can help stop global warming and how it came to be.

" "

Bloomberg  | Zero Podcast
“Akshat Rathi, who is a Bloomberg Climate Senior Reporter, speaks to guests leading the fight against climate change. This solutions-focused approach provides compelling insights into the policies, strategies, and clean technologies that are needed to reach net zero. Check out the episode How a fossil fuel company became a wind giant with Mads Nipper, Ørsted CEO, to hear about the challenges of the wind industry, and the role of corporate strategy and government intervention in accelerating the energy transition.”

Hubi Meinecke
Managing Director & Senior Partner; Global Leader, Climate & Sustainability Practice



This recommended book gives the long view of the trend toward deglobalization.

The end of the world is just the beginning by Peter Zeihan book cover

The End of the World Is Just the Beginning: Mapping the Collapse of Globalization
“With so much chatter about decoupling and potential shifts in deglobalization, the author of this book walks you through a longer time span of change (where we’ve been and how things could likely play out in the decades to come).”

Russell Dubner
Managing Director & Senior Partner


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

As diversity, equity, and inclusion work continues, it is essential to keep learning. This BCGer recommendation offers a creative perspective.

Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi book cover

“The book I recommend is Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi. It follows the parallel paths of two African sisters and their descendants over multiple generations, and really shows the multi-generational impacts of slavery, segregation, and more. For me, it completely changed how I thought about the racial inequities that exist in America.”

Tiffany Yeh
Managing Director & Partner


Humans and Humanity

A new category this year, it allows BCGers to recommend books that shine a light on what it means to be human in a complicated world.

Origin Story by David Christian book cover

Origin Story: A Big History of Everything
“This book tells the story of the entire universe (the ‘big history’) through the lens of multiple disciplines including astrophysics, anthropology, and biology, and more. It is a fascinating, insightful, and accessible read that helps us understand the past and change your perspective on the future.”

Magalie Aoun
Associate, CEO Ambassador

Far from the Tree by Andrew Solomon book cover

Far From the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity
“After interviewing 300+ families, in this seminal book, Solomon explores the lives and communities of people with a variety of horizontal identities (traits not typically passed down vertically from parents such as deafness, dwarfism, autism, and often treated as flaws). The stories of how being different is a quality, not a deficiency, are incredibly moving —as are the countless examples of caregivers and communities transcending prejudice and hardship with love.”

Nadjia Yousif
Managing Director & Partner, Chief Diversity Officer


Deloitte: Strategia Brand Purpose

W Deloitte stworzyliśmy Strategię Brand Purpose – narzędzie redefiniujące rolę marki i firmy na rynku – integrujące strategię marki, ze strategią ESG oraz strategią biznesową.

Dotychczasowe działania marek, skupione wokół marketingu i ESG nie odpowiadają w pełni na potrzeby klientów. Globalne wyzwania, z którymi zmaga się dzisiaj świat, wywołują do odpowiedzialności nie tylko polityków czy duże organizacje – coraz częściej z krytyką działalności mierzą się obecne na rynku marki. Do presji rynkowej wywieranej przez konkurencję, dochodzą oczekiwania konsumentów w stosunku do wszystkich aspektów działalności organizacji. Konsumenci wymagają od marek zaangażowania w istotne tematy społeczne i środowiskowe oraz większej odpowiedzialności za konsekwencje prowadzenia biznesu.

Wspierając firmy stworzyliśmy narzędzie, które pozwali im dokonać realnej zmiany, wpływając jednocześnie na wyniki biznesowe, budując przewagę konkurencyjną i tworząc długoterminową wartość.

Czym jest Brand Purpose?

Koncepcja Brand Purpose wynika z rynkowej potrzeby redefiniowania roli marek we współczesnym świecie. W Deloitte wierzymy, że każda marka powinna mieć głębszy cel istnienia. Definiujemy Strategię Celu Marki jako wartość, którą firma swoimi działaniami tworzy w otaczającym ją świecie.

Właściwie zdefiniowany Brand Purpose powinien być prawdziwy, ambitny, inspirujący dla biznesu i ludzi – pracowników i klientów, a przede wszystkim pasować do marki. Dla nas strategia celu marki to nowy model budowania marek zaangażowanych społecznie lub środowiskowo, wyznaczający ambitne horyzonty dla ich biznesowej i społecznej działalności.

Dlaczego warto mieć Brand Purpose?

Świat zmienia się coraz szybciej wywierając coraz większą presję na działania biznesowe. Katastrofa klimatyczna, zanieczyszczenie środowiska, nierówności społeczne i niepokoje budzą wśród konsumentów coraz więcej niepewności i obaw. Poszukując realnej zmiany i pragnąc mieć większy wpływ na rzeczywistość, konsumenci zmieniają swoje zwyczaje, nawyki zakupowe i coraz częściej kierują się wartościami, które stoją za markami. Nowe zwyczaje zakupowe oznaczają też nowe oczekiwania względem marek, które potrzebują jasno zdefiniowanego Brand Purpose by pozostać konkurencyjne i sprostać rosnącym oczekiwaniom konsumentów.

Coraz więcej konsumentów zaczyna wymagać od marek zaangażowania w kwestie społeczne, odpowiedzialności za wpływ na otoczenie (zarówno naturalne, jak i społeczne) oraz zrównoważonego podejścia. Z kolei nowe marki wchodzące dopiero na rynek coraz częściej wyznaczają sobie ambitny, pozabiznesowy cel jako jeden z głównych motorów prowadzenia działalności.

Zdefiniowanie wyższego celu istnienia marki przekłada się nie tylko na budowanie jej wartości, ale również na konkretne zyski dla całej organizacji. Obserwujemy, że marki, które w planowaniu strategicznym oraz codziennych działaniach, kierują się autentyczną wizją i inwestują w działania z zakresu Brand Purpose, rozwijają się szybciej. Generują nowe źródła wzrostu oparte o zrównoważoną ekonomię, zwiększają swoje marże, łatwiej przyciągają i utrzymują pracowników, są sprawniej zarządzane, przyciągają inwestorów i obniżają koszt kapitału.

Więcej: Deloitte



Building Resilient Economies: Empowering Governments through Digital Transformational Strategies in Global Trade!

Discover some of the industry leading speakers you’ll get to connect with and ask questions to as they join us for the discussion on Building Resilient Economies: Empowering Governments through Digital Transformational Strategies in Global Trade!

Featured Speakers
Image of Solomon Raj Joseph
Solomon Raj Joseph
Senior Product Director
Experienced techno-business leader with 20+ years in IT, Trade & Logistics, Telecom, and Banking. Expertise includes Product Direction, Project Management & Chief Architecture roles. Over the past 13 years, Solomon has spearheaded mission-critical Trade Facilitation systems in 15+ countries across Asia, Africa, Middle East, and Americas.Solomon possesses in-depth knowledge of Trade & Logistics, Supply Chain Processes, Compliance, and Regulatory procedures. Experienced in Cross Border Trade, Supply Chain Risk Management, Customs policies, National Trade policies, and Free Trade Agreements.

Image of Ninan Oommen Biju
Ninan Oommen Biju
Sr Port & Maritime Transport Specialist
The World Bank – Transport Global Practice
Ninan Oommen Biju is the Senior Port & Maritime Transport Specialist at The World Bank Transport Practice based in Singapore, engaged in the preparation and supervision of projects, sharing of knowledge and experience and technical assistance for maritime infrastructure development. Prior to joining The World Bank, Ninan was the CEO of a short-sea container ship owner and operated services in consortium with global container shipping lines from Singapore hub port to the main gateway ports in South-East Asia & South Asia.
Image of Gregory Smith
Gregory Smith
Head of Exploration and Digital Transformation
UNDP Trinidad and Tobago
Gregory joins the panel with over 10 years’ international experience in financial analysis for mergers and acquisitions, e-commerce product management, IT systems implementation, strategic planning, and market analysis. Gregory holds a BSc. in Mechanical Engineering, an MBA from Howard University, and a MPP in Public Policy Analysis and Economics from the University of Chicago. He is passionate about working collaboratively and applying a rigorous analytical approach towards developing sustainable, courageous, innovative solutions that directly improve the lives of everyday people.

Explore the strategies and opportunities that can empower developing nations to optimize their government processes, leading to remarkable efficiency gains. By embracing these insights, you’ll be able to reduce operational costs and navigate trade regulations more smoothly, all while revolutionizing how your business engages with government entities.

Register Now
Thursday, September 28th 2023 – 1:30 – 2:45 PM (EDT)

If you’re unable to attend live you can still register and watch the webinar back in your own time via On-Demand.

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The Port Technology International Team

CrimsonLogic In partnership with Port Technology International