By Marek Grzybowski
The STOS Competence Center of the Gdańsk University of Technology and the presentation of the Kraken supercomputer took place in Gdańsk on April 25, 2023.
– Kraken will have a nice computing power of 13.6 PFlops, which according to forecasts will place it in December 2023 in the TOP 100 most powerful supercomputers in the world and at the forefront of supercomputers used in Europe – said Prof. Ph.D., D. Sc., Eng. Krzysztof Wilde, Corresponding member of the PAS.
The Kraken PG supercomputer is located in a special building underground. The computer has seven server rooms and can operate alone or as a team of several supercomputers. Its work will be led by scientists from the Gdańsk University of Technology and the team of the Tri-City Academic Computer Network of GUT.
Buildings for the supercomputer and work for scientists were designed by ARCHDECO from Gdynia
Kraken will allow you to conduct advanced research and complex simulations. Its computing power will enable scientists to conduct advanced work in the field of the development of artificial intelligence algorithms, nuclear energy, environmental protection technologies, as well as medicine and pharmaceuticals.
The total cost of the investment will amount to almost PLN 250 million.
Kraken provides unlimited research and development opportunities and the development of new technologies and solutions that serve society, both now and in the future. The entire research complex has been designed so that its capabilities can be gradually expanded in the coming years – says prof. Henryk Krawczyk, director of CI TASK GUT and originator of the construction of the complex.
– The opening of the STOS GUT center and the launch of the Kraken supercomputer provides huge research potential and will also translate into an influx of a large number of young and talented people to Gdańsk who will stay with us on a permanent basis. This is one of the most modern complexes of this type in Europe, which will significantly increase the competitiveness and attractiveness of not only our university, but also the entire Pomeranian region – said Rector Wilde.