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McK: The CEO moment Leadership for a new era

COVID-19 has created a massive humanitarian challenge: millions ill and hundreds of thousands of lives lost; soaring unemployment rates in the world’s most robust economies; food banks stretched beyond capacity; governments straining to deliver critical services. The pandemic is also a challenge for businesses—and their CEOs—unlike any they have ever faced, forcing an abrupt dislocation of how employees work, how customers behave, how supply chains function, and even what ultimately constitutes business performance.

Confronting this unique moment, CEOs have shifted how they lead in expedient and ingenious ways. The changes may have been birthed of necessity, but they have great potential beyond this crisis. In this article, we explore four shifts in how CEOs are leading that are also better ways to lead a company: unlocking bolder (“10x”) aspirations, elevating their “to be” list to the same level as “to do” in their operating models, fully embracing stakeholder capitalism, and harnessing the full power of their CEO peer networks. If they become permanent, these shifts hold the potential to thoroughly recalibrate the organization and how it operates, the company’s performance potential, and its relationship to critical constituents.

Only CEOs can decide whether to continue leading in these new ways, and in so doing seize a once-in-a-generation opportunity to consciously evolve the very nature and impact of their role. Indeed, as we have written elsewhere, part of the role of the CEO is to serve as a chief calibrator—deciding the extent and degree of change needed. As part of this, CEOs must have a thesis of transformation that works in their company context. A good CEO is always scanning for signals and helping the organization deliver fine-tuned responses. A great CEO will see that this moment is a unique opportunity for self-calibration, with profound implications for the organization.

We have spoken with and counseled hundreds of CEOs since the pandemic first hit. It is clear to us that they sense an opportunity to lead in a new, more positive and impactful way. If a critical mass of CEOs embraces and extends what they have learned during the pandemic, this CEO moment could become a CEO movement—one that is profoundly positive for the achievement of corporate, human, and societal potential. As Rajnish Kumar, chairman of the State Bank of India, reflects, “This will be a true inflection point. I think that this pandemic, in terms of implications, will be as big an event as World War II. And whatever we learn through this process, it must not go to waste.”


Invest further in building relationships with other CEOs

CEOs are communicating more, and expanding their networks, in part because only another CEO confronting the pandemic can fully identify with today’s leadership challenges. As Laxman Narasimhan, CEO of Reckitt Benckiser, puts it: “I find talking to other CEOs about how they are handling the crisis extremely helpful—this shared experience connects us and gives me added perspectives.” Says AmerisourceBergen CEO Steve Collis, “From an external perspective, I’ve been a beneficiary of amazing calls with other CEOs who have been willing to share their knowledge. This has been such a growing experience.”

Hospital CEOs realized we were chasing each other around the supply chains [hunting for PPE]. So we began to coordinate. It became almost a daily call.

— Kate Walsh, CEO, Boston Medical Center

It’s no surprise that CEOs are seeing the benefits of connecting in new ways during this crisis. The urgency of the moment has given focus and urgency to the nature of the dialogue. Kate Walsh, CEO of Boston Medical Center, started talking to her peers early in the pandemic, when Boston was becoming one of the country’s COVID-19 hot spots. “Hospital CEOs realized we were chasing each other around the supply chains,” says Walsh. “We began to coordinate, so at least we could let people know that we’d give everybody a mask when they come to work on Monday morning. It became almost a daily call [with other hospitals] as we tried to figure out how to respond to the volume of cases.” Leaders are less focused on showing up to large group meetings and putting on a corporate face that suggests “We’ve got it under control.” Instead, they are intent on accelerating problem solving together by building on one another’s ideas, iterating novel solutions to use in the workplace, trading notes, and moving forward having learned what works best. They are also encouraging one another to conduct bold experiments, taking advantage of the current environment to do A/B testing on a massive scale and trying new ways of operating virtually and digitally.

In order for CEOs to leverage such interactions in the future and accelerate impact on shared challenges, they will have to continue to approach such opportunities—both formal and informal—with humility, a learning mindset, and an open-minded commitment to ongoing development. The benefits of doing so are more significant than one might imagine: role modeling this has the potential to create more open learning organizations for companies, and to identify the cross-industry analogies that often provide the touchstone for innovation. Without the pressure of a crisis, however, leadership resolve will be required to maintain such an approach—research makes it clear that none of this is easy for people in powerful roles.

In light of the newfound connectivity among CEOs within and across industries happening in this moment, CEOs will benefit from reflecting on the following questions:

  • What peer networks should I continue or create beyond the crisis (in particular, those in analogous but not identical situations)?
  • What makes for a valuable peer interaction, and how can I ensure that these conditions are in place when I interact with other CEOs?
  • Beyond role modeling, how can I encourage my senior team and other leaders to enrich their own networks and the velocity of learnings with their peers across industries?

Leverage networks to tackle a broad set of issues

CEO networks also have a unique potential to enable some of the other things we have talked about thus far in this article. CEOs in noncompetitive industries are well positioned to both challenge and support their peers in aiming higher; in sharing learnings, best practices, and encouragement regarding elevating “to be” to the same level as “to do”; and in working through how to fully embrace stakeholder capitalism.

COVID-19 has brought with it a pressurized operating environment the likes of which few of today’s CEOs have ever experienced—it has “unfrozen” many aspects of the CEO role.

The pharmaceutical industry’s “10x” rush to counter COVID-19 bears witness to this. As Christophe Weber, CEO of Takeda Pharmaceuticals, explains, “We started the development of a plasma-derived medicine for COVID-19 by ourselves. But our head of Plasma-Derived Therapies realized that if we formed an alliance with other plasma companies, we could go much faster and would have the potential to produce a product on a bigger scale. So now we have a pro bono, not-for-profit alliance. And we have a very good alliance with other major plasma companies, smaller ones, and also nonplasma companies, like Microsoft. When everybody saw that it was a true alliance to do good for society, we were able to get the convergence of many companies.”

This interest in shared success can create wins for multiple stakeholders. “Part [of the adjustment to COVID-19] is focusing even more on partnering with and supporting the community,” says CCHMC’s Fisher. “For example, CEOs of major employers, including P&G, Kroger, Fifth Third Bank, Cincinnati Children’s, and others, initiated a task force to focus on a robust and inclusive restart of our economy and region. Being part of those things is more important than ever to me, our institution, and our community.”

Alain Bejjani of MAF frames the potential for CEOs to work together in ways that change the world for the better. Says Bejjani, “Employers enjoy the highest level of trust compared to governments and even NGOs [nongovernmental organizations]. This capital of trust is very important and something CEOs should leverage going forward. We should be at the bridgehead for change. Governments cannot win, cannot deal with the complex issues of our time, without business. Business, in turn, cannot win without government and civil society.” As COVID-19 has made clear, changing the world for the better is good not only for society but also for business.

As CEOs look forward to decide what issues to tackle with their peers, they can build on their pandemic experience by considering the following questions:

  • On what issues has peer connectivity most benefited my business, now and in the future?
  • On what societal issues (such as inequity and racism, climate change, porous social safety nets, weakened healthcare systems) should peer connectivity be directed, and how can I maintain the same level of intensity that I did during the pandemic?
  • What issues will I take personal leadership on and convene others around?

COVID-19 has brought with it a pressurized operating environment the likes of which few of today’s CEOs have ever experienced. It has necessitated a reappraisal of how much is possible and in what time frames. It has forced personal disclosure at levels previously considered uncomfortable and, in doing so, has increased awareness of the importance of how leaders show up personally. It has shined a light on the interconnectivity of stakeholder concerns. It has prompted a level of substance-based, peer-to-peer CEO interaction that has elevated all involved. Ultimately, it has “unfrozen” many aspects of the CEO role, making possible a re-fusing of new and existing elements that could define the CEO role of the future.

When the pressure decreases, will CEOs go back to operating as they did before? Or will the role at the top be thoughtfully reconsidered and reconceived by those who occupy it? Clearly, not every CEO will choose to make permanent the four shifts we’ve discussed. The more that CEOs do, however, the more the moment has the potential to become a movement—one that could create higher-achieving, more purposeful, more humane, and better-connected leaders. Judging by the evolution underway, many companies and societies stand to benefit.

About the authors: Carolyn Dewar is a senior partner in McKinsey’s San Francisco office, Scott Keller is a senior partner in the Southern California office, Kevin Sneader is McKinsey’s global managing partner and is based in the Hong Kong office, and Kurt Strovink is a senior partner in the New York office.

The authors wish to thank Monica Murarka for her contributions to this article.



BCG: Smart Ports

Over the past half century, the shipping industry has reinvented itself time and again, ushering in containerization, larger vessels, and electronic data interchange. Despite the improvements, aspects of port operations remain firmly anchored in the past, dependent on manual and paper-based systems.

But global trade isn’t standing still. Ever-increasing vessel sizes and cargo volumes continue to pressure ports and terminals, which must keep innovating just to keep up. Operators that want to maintain a competitive edge must adopt a digital mindset and implement smart-port technologies to stay productive, customer friendly, efficient, and competitive. Progressive ports are embracing the same digital breakthroughs that are disrupting other industries. Among those disrupters: connected platforms, cloud-based services, mobile devices and apps, sensors and other Internet of Things technologies, augmented reality, autonomous transportation, blockchain technology, and big data.

At the same time, port environments have become intricate partner networks that include port authorities, terminals, shipping lines, trucking and logistics companies, and off-dock storage providers. To be truly effective, stakeholders have to do more than simply adopt these technologies on their own. Instead, they must embrace platforms and services that make it easier for stakeholders to work together to promote the efficiency of the overall ecosystem.  These same platforms and services let individual partners expand their businesses without adding substantial new infrastructure or equipment. In some cases, the multistakeholder platforms also create digital-based services that can be used as new revenue sources.

Smart-port technologies’ impact can be substantial. At Germany’s Port of Hamburg, for example, wide-ranging connected-port initiatives are integral to a plan to double capacity—but not space—by 2025, simultaneously reducing operating costs for operators and logistics costs for cargo owners.

How Digital Helps Transform Ports and Terminals

Smart-port technologies are digital-based, multistakeholder systems. Port stakeholders can use these technologies to reconfigure basic functions and improve existing operations—to reengineer how work gets done—without major investments in new infrastructure and equipment. Accordingly, our review of smart-port technologies does not include traditional IT services, such as data standardization and systems integration, or systems such as terminal automation systems that serve only a single entry.

Smart technologies include systems that support basic infrastructure, as well as, for example, tools for handling cargo, managing traffic, dealing with customs, assuring safety, and monitoring energy use. Some benefit the gamut of port partners while others support specific partnerships between, for example, a port authority and terminal operators.




Raport Ericsson: Czy możemy wprowadzić 5G i zmniejszyć zużycie energii?

Sektor ICT odpowiada za 1,4% światowej emisji dwutlenku węgla, ale ma możliwość 15% redukcji w innych sektorach, takich jak energetyka, przemysł czy transport. Jeśli sieć 5G zostanie wdrożona w taki sam sposób, jak poprzednie generacje, zużycie energii gwałtownie wzrośnie. Obecne roczne globalne koszty energetyczne związane z eksploatacją sieci komórkowych wynoszą 25 mld USD. Zarówno z punktu widzenia wydatków, jak i śladu węglowego, zużycie energii jest jednym z największych wyzwań branży. Eksperci firmy Ericsson podkreślają, że należy wprowadzić rozwiązania, które umożliwiają operatorom wykorzystanie jak najmniejszej ilości energii przy jednoczesnym zarządzaniu oczekiwanym wzrostem transferu danych oraz zaspokajając potrzeby obecnych i przyszłych sieci 5G.

Jak przełamać rosnącą krzywą energetyczną

„Możliwe jest przełamanie krzywej energetycznej, tj. obniżenie całkowitego zużycia energii w sieci komórkowej w stosunku do obecnego poziomu i sprostanie ogromnemu wyzwaniu, jakim jest wzrost ruchu. Uważamy, że jest to wręcz nasza odpowiedzialność, wraz z pozostałymi podmiotami z branży ICT. Dzięki prowadzonym przez nas od ponad 20 lat szeroko zakrojonym badaniom udowodniliśmy, że mobilne sieci szerokopasmowe są czynnikiem sprzyjającym zrównoważonemu rozwojowi, wzrostowi gospodarczemu i ograniczeniu emisji dwutlenku węgla” – mówi Marcin Sugak, ekspert firmy Ericsson.

Sektor ICT odpowiada jedynie za 1,4% światowej emisji dwutlenku węgla, ale ma potencjał, aby umożliwić 15% redukcję w innych sektorach, takich jak energetyka, przemysł i transport. Z perspektywy cyklu życia, główna część naszego śladu węglowego pochodzi z używanych na co dzień urządzeń elektrycznych np. komputerów i smartfonów. Zużycie energii drastycznie wzrośnie, jeśli 5G zostanie wdrożone w taki sam sposób, jak 3G i 4G. Niektórzy dostawcy usług komunikacyjnych oszacowali nawet podwojenie zużycia energii w celu zaspokojenia rosnącego zapotrzebowania na ruch, przy jednoczesnej poprawie sieci i wprowadzeniu 5G. Nie jest to zrównoważone z punktu widzenia kosztów ani ochrony środowiska.

„Dzięki standardowi 5G i wysiłkom  miedzy innymi ośrodka badań i rozwoju Ericsson w Łodzi i Krakowie, możliwe jest znaczne zmniejszenie zużycia energii. 5G jest najbardziej świadomym energetycznie standardem. Pozwala systemowi mobilnemu na bardziej efektywne wykorzystanie inteligentnych trybów uśpienia. Dodatkowo umożliwia rozszerzenie zasięgu poprzez wykorzystanie niższych pasm przy jednoczesnym zwiększeniu przepustowości i prędkości dzięki agregacji operatorów” – tłumaczy Marcin Sugak.

Aby przełamać krzywą rosnącego zużycia energii w sieciach komórkowych, należy pamiętać o czterech głównych elementach strategii wdrożenia sieci 5G. – „Wspólnie z naszymi klientami udoskonaliliśmy różne rozwiązania w celu osiągnięcia znacznych oszczędności energii. Wykonanie pierwszego kroku przynosi natychmiastowe oszczędności i dostarcza danych, które mogą być wykorzystane na późniejszych etapie” – mówi ekspert firmy Ericsson.

Przygotowanie sieci

Modernizacja technologii sieciowej nawet na obszarach o małym natężeniu ruchu przyniesie zwrot z inwestycji już po trzech latach, biorąc pod uwagę tylko i wyłącznie oszczędności wynikające z niższego użycia energii. Modernizując sieć za pomocą najnowszych technologii i wymieniając stare urządzenia, można zrealizować nowe możliwości biznesowe, a jednocześnie uzyskać znaczne oszczędności energii. Wdrożenia poprzednich generacji sieci mobilnych były często zarządzane poprzez dodawanie nowych urządzeń przy zachowaniu istniejących zasobów sieciowych. Ta praktyka musi ulec zmianie.

Aktywacja oprogramowania do oszczędzania energii

Funkcje oszczędzania energii są już dostępne poprzez Radio Access Network (RAN) i mogą być natychmiast aktywowane. Dodanie elementu uczenia maszynowego przyniesie dalsze oszczędności. Funkcje inteligentnego zarządzania energią takie jak np. micro sleep Tx (MSTx) mogą zmniejszyć jej zużycie przez urządzenia radiowe nawet o 15% przy zachowaniu tego samego komfortu użytkowania. Oprogramowanie 5G ma zapisaną oszczędność energii w swoim DNA. Jego zaawansowane funkcje będą się nadal rozwijać, a wydajność sieci będzie wzrastać wraz z upływem czasu.

Budowa 5G z precyzją

Ważne jest, aby mieć odpowiedni sprzęt we właściwym miejscu. Budowanie 5G z precyzją polega na optymalizacji wydajności sieci na nowych częstotliwościach 5G przy jednoczesnym utrzymaniu nakładów inwestycyjnych oraz kosztów utrzymania w określonych granicach. Możliwe jest szybkie wdrożenie 5G bez konieczności dodawania kolejnych energochłonnych urządzeń. Oznacza to, że dostawcy usług mogą ograniczyć wzrost zużycia energii przy wprowadzaniu 5G.

Inteligentne zarządzanie infrastrukturą lokalną

Dzięki zastosowaniu sztucznej inteligencji, dostawcy usług mogą aktywniej obsługiwać infrastrukturę sieci. Dostępny budżet energetyczny i nawet sama przestrzeń są często ograniczone i dlatego wymagają rozwiązań kompaktowych i efektywnych energetycznie. – „Należy wprowadzić narzędzia do kontroli urządzeń pasywnych oraz umożliwić prewencyjną konserwację i bezdotykowe rozwiązywanie problemów w celu zmniejszenia kosztów, zużycia energii i wizyt na miejscu. Przypadki klientów pokazują, że dzięki inteligentnym rozwiązaniom sterowania obiektem dostawcy usług obniżyli zużycie energii w zakładzie nawet o 15%. Dodatkowo, chociaż dostępnych jest wiele funkcji umożliwiających optymalizację aktywnych elementów obiektu (tj. sprzętu radiowego), często pomija się elementy pasywne wspierające sieć dostępu radiowego (RAN), mimo że mogą one stanowić ponad 50% całkowitego zużycia energii w obiekcie” – tłumaczy ekspert firmy Ericsson.

Polska u progu 5G

Sprzęt firmy Ericsson jest gotowy do pracy w sieci 5G już od 2015 roku. Jest to możliwe dzięki aktualizacji do 5G za pomocą zdalnej instalacji oprogramowania. Komisja Europejska oczekuje, że do 2025 r. kraje członkowskie będą posiadać szerokie pokrycie siecią 5G. Ericsson jest aktywnym promotorem rozwiązań 5G w Polsce – wdrożył pierwszą komercyjną sieć 5G w Polsce z firmą Polkomtel, 5G w sieci Play, sieć testową w Warszawie z Orange oraz kampus 5G na Politechnice Łódzkiej. Ericsson współpracuje z operatorami, ośrodkami badawczo-rozwojowymi, środowiskiem akademickim oraz ze start-upami i przemysłem.

Ericsson posiada obecnie ponad 122 komercyjnych umów 5G, z których
77 to aktywne sieci działające w ponad 30 krajach. Ericsson jest również liderem w standaryzacji 5G, z większością udziałów dla 4G i 5G. Biorąc pod uwagę deklaracje zgłoszone do Europejskiego Instytutu Norm Telekomunikacyjnych (ETSI), stosując filtr niezbędności, Ericsson jest na szczycie wyścigu patentowego 5G. Według analizy firmy prawnej Bird & Bird, Ericsson posiada największą liczbę znaczących patentów SEP (standard-essential patent) związanych z 5G na świecie (15,8%).

*Raport firmy Ericsson „Breaking the energy curve An innovative approach to reducing mobile network energy use” można znaleźć tutaj:

O firmie Ericsson

Ericsson, największy na świecie dostawca technologii i usług dla operatorów telekomunikacyjnych, oferuje społeczeństwu sieciowemu efektywne rozwiązania działające w czasie rzeczywistym, które pozwalają nam wszystkim swobodniej studiować, pracować i żyć w zrównoważonych społecznościach na całym świecie.

Działamy w ponad 180 krajach i zatrudniamy przeszło 110 000 pracowników. Ericsson założony w 1876 roku, ma centralę w Sztokholmie. W 2016 roku firma osiągnęła sprzedaż netto w wysokości 222,8 mld SEK. Firma Ericsson jest notowana na giełdzie NASDAQ OMX w Sztokholmie i NASDAQ w Nowym Jorku.

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Katarzyna Pąk

Head of Marketing & Communications


How to become ‘tech forward’

A technology-transformation approach that works

Whether it’s been the shift to online working, the spike in online demand, or the increase in cyber assaults, technology has emerged as a critical business capability. That reality has injected a renewed importance and new urgency into modernizing the technology function. Companies can no longer afford the long timelines and often-disappointing business returns that have hampered many of the large tech-transformation projects of the past.

Instead, some technology leaders have pursued a new approach that is comprehensive enough to account for the myriad interlinkages of modern technology joined at the hip with the business so that change delivers value, and self-funded so that the scope of the change can continue to expand. We think of this comprehensive approach as “tech forward.”

Counteracting the most devastating tech-transformation failure modes

Some companies are starting to see real impact from their tech transformations. In a recent McKinsey study, some 50 percent of surveyed companies reported moderate to significant impact on realizing new revenue streams, almost 70 percent reported impact on increasing existing revenue streams, and 76 percent reported impact on reducing costs. 1

Tech transformations, nonetheless, remain notoriously difficult and complex. Though many companies are transforming their tech organizations, about 50 percent of them report that they’re still in the pilot phase (small tech teams working with advanced technologies but isolated from the rest of the technology function). 2

To understand better what successful tech transformations look like—as well as what the most important pitfalls are—we spoke with nearly 700 CIOs at some of the largest companies across the world. These conversations illuminated a number of consistent factors that most consistently kill off even the most promising tech transformations and revealed antidotes to address them. Following are three of the most common failure modes.

Piecemeal activity and limited scope

There is no shortage of technology-transformation initiatives, all of them with good intentions and promising payoffs. In fact, our latest analysis shows that companies are expanding the range of tech-related transformations (Exhibit 1).

What a ‘tech forward’ transformation looks like

Detailed conversations with CIOs as well as our own experience helping businesses execute complex technology transformations yielded a broad array of insights, best practices, and guidelines. We’ve synthesized them into a “tech forward” model that highlights three interconnected vectors, within which are ten specific “plays,” or domains of activity (Exhibit 2).

Vector #1: A reimagined role for technology that’s focused on the business

Vector #2: A technology delivery model built for flexibility and speed

Vector #3: A future-proof foundation of core tech systems that support innovation, collaboration, and security

To plot a company’s tech-transformation road map, we find the following questions particularly helpful:

  • What is your expectation from technology?
  • Which strategic outcomes are most critical (for example, speed and quality of delivery)?
  • Which are the most urgent pain points and what causes them?

The following questions help executives understand the current state of the technology function and its experience with transformation programs:

  • Which, if any, of the ten plays from the tech-forward approach are in place, and what is their maturity?
  • Is transforming your company’s tech one of the top two priorities in your C-suite? If not, why not?
  • How well does the technology function support your company’s strategic objectives or digital ambitions?
  • What tech-transformation efforts has your company launched to date? What effect have they had? What went well, and what didn’t?
  • What factors might restrict the pace of your tech-transformation efforts? In particular, how much capital and other resources can the company devote to tech transformation?

The current COVID-19 crisis, of course, is having a significant impact on how CIOs and businesses manage tech transformations. Despite the pressures it has added to costs, however, the urgency to get moving and transform has never been higher, according to many CIOs. But while the demands placed on the technology function have grown, so too have the opportunities. Experience suggests that the most effective transformations are not only comprehensive, covering the function’s role, delivery model, and core systems, but also sequenced to ensure that changes that reinforce each other are carried out together. With up-front planning focused on business value and careful delivery, a company can bring its technology function forward and gain the capabilities to thrive in challenging digital markets.

About the author(s)

Anusha Dhasarathy is a partner in McKinsey’s Chicago office, where Isha Gill is an associate partner and Naufal Khan is a senior partner; Sriram Sekar is a senior expert in the New Jersey office, where Steve Van Kuiken is a senior partner.



BCG Report: Are You Making the Most of Your Relationship with AI?

Management Review suggests that in order to see significant financial returns, organizations need a multidimensional, complex relationship with AI—one that involves several methods of learning and different modes of interaction.

Businesses everywhere are recognizing the power of AI to improve processes, meet customer needs, enter new spaces, and, above all, to gain sustainable competitive advantage. With this recognition has come an increased adoption of—and investment in—AI technologies. A global survey of more than 3,000 executives revealed that more than half of respondents are deploying AI: six out of ten have an AI strategy in 2020, up from four out of ten in 2018. AI solutions are more prolific and easier to deploy than ever before, and companies around the globe are seizing on the opportunity to keep up with this exciting trend. Yet despite their efforts—to hire data scientists, develop algorithms, and optimize processes and decision making—most companies aren’t seeing a significant return on their investments.

So, what allows a small number of companies to stand out from the crowd?

For them, AI isn’t just a path to automation; it’s an integral, strategic component of their businesses. To achieve significant financial benefits, companies must look beyond the initial, albeit fundamental, steps of AI adoption—of having the right data, technology, and talent in place, and organizing these elements around a corporate strategy. Currently, companies have only a 21% chance of achieving significant benefits with these fundamentals alone, though incorporating the ability to iterate on AI solutions with business users nearly doubles the number, to 39%. But it’s the final stage of AI maturity, of successfully orchestrating the macro and micro interactions between humans and machines, that really unlocks value. The ability to learn as an organization—by bringing together human brains and the logic of machines—is what gives companies a 73% chance of reaping the financial benefits of AI implementation.

More: To embrace AI’s full potential, companies must recognize that humans play an equally important role in the equation—and reshape themselves accordingly. Download the Full Report

Authors: Sam Ransbotham, Associate Professor, Boston College/MIT Sloan Management Review; Shervin Khodabandeh, Managing Director & Senior Partner, Los Angeles; David Kiron, Executive Editor, MIT Sloan Management Review’s Big Ideas initiatives; François Candelon, Managing Director & Senior Partner, Global Director of the BCG Henderson Institute
Paris; Michael Chu, Partner and Associate Director, Data Science, Silicon Valley – Bay Area; Burt LaFountain, Managing Director & Partner, Boston