Strefa Ex XX ASE Conference was held in Gdańsk in March 03-04. Greeting guests and brief information about the history of the conference by Dariusz Jachowicz, CEO of the ASE Group.

Practical elements and good practices regarding fire and explosion safety in Grupa LOTOS SA presented Tomasz Klawikowski, Grupa LOTOS S.A. Stanisław Nieświec discussed the industrial exhaust ventilation and ventilation installations which reduce the risk of an explosive atmosphere carried out by BART, including the procedures applied before the completion of the engineering project and the comprehensive implementation of the investment. Fire safety and its impact on the implementation of the investment process – a case study discussed Tadeusz Cisek, Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów Bezpieczeństwa Pożarowego. Photo: Marek Grzybowski