Archive for sierpień, 2015


Deloitte – Innowacje zmienią układ sił w sektorze finansowym

Deloitte  Innowacje zmienią układ 10 sierpnia 2015

W 2014 roku na całym świecie w sektor fintech zainwestowano 12,2 mld USD, ponad trzykrotnie więcej niż w roku 2013. Read the rest of this entry »


The Boston Consulting Group Achieves Strong Growth in 2014


The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), one of the world’s leading management consulting firms, announced today that Richard I. Lesser, 52, was reelected for a second three-year term as its President and Chief Executive Officer, effective October 1, 2015. Lesser’s reelection comes on the heels of another strong year for BCG, which reported 17 percent global revenue growth and an 8 percent increase in workforce. BCG also shows remarkable consistency as a premier employer, ranking number two this year on the Fortune’s “100 Best Companies to Work For” list. Read the rest of this entry »


Full Circle Group – Developing leadership competencies

Full Circle Group - Developing leadership competencies LE_A22

HR.COM editorial team interviewed Carl Benscoter from Full Circle Group, at the Leadership Excellence Awards this past March. Here are some excerpts from the exclusive interview. Read the rest of this entry »


TTI Success Insights – Lead the way you want to be led

TTI Success Insights - Lead the way you want to be led - circle TTI Success Insights  LE_A48

HR.COM editorial team interviewed Bill J. Bonnstetter from TTI Success Insights, at the Leadership Excellence Awards this past March. Here are some excerpts from the exclusive interview. Read the rest of this entry »


Paycom Payroll LLC – Shaping leaders into overall coaches

PaycomEEs_Online-thumb Paycom Payroll LLC  LE_A37

HR.COM editorial team interviewed Stacey Pezold from Paycom Payroll LLC, at the Leadership Excellence Awards this past March. Here are some excerpts from the exclusive interview. Read the rest of this entry »