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GÓRY ZARZĄDZANIA – Konferencja hybrydowa – 29 maja 2023

Ostatnie lata to pasmo zawirowań, których doświadczamy. Wybuchła pandemia, Rosja zaatakowała Ukrainę, co wywołało kryzys humanitarny i masową falę uchodźców. Na dodatek coraz silniej odczuwamy zmiany klimatu w postaci wydłużających się okresów suszy i opadów, czy różnego rodzaju huraganów, trzęsień ziemi i innych zjawisk meteorologicznych. Wyzwaniem stało się odejście od paliw kopalnych i znalezienie alternatywnych źródeł energii.

Żeby tego rodzaju wyzwaniom sprostać wymaga się od nas elastyczności, innowacyjnego podejścia do zarządzania, przewartościowania celów. Zdajemy sobie sprawę jak ważna jest synergia różnorodnych środowisk: samorządowców, naukowców, przedstawicieli sektora prywatnego, ngo’sów, które w naturalny sposób tworzą fundament dla innowacji i rozwoju, także w obszarach związanych z planowaniem energetycznym. Dlatego właśnie chciałbym zwrócić Państwa uwagę na przedsięwzięcie pt. „Góry Zarządzania”, które odbędzie się 29 maja 2023 r. w Szczawnie Zdrój niedaleko Wrocławia. Konferencja w całości będzie poświęcona zarządzaniu w czasie kryzysu.


Instytut Maxa Webera zaprasza na pierwszą edycję konferencji i warsztatów GÓRY ZARZĄDZANIA, które odbędą się w dniu 29 maja 2023 roku w Teatrze Zdrojowym w Szczawnie Zdroju. Góry Zarządzania to pierwsza edycja konferencji i warsztatów dedykowanych samorządom, nauce oraz biznesowi. Synergia wielu środowisk, które w naturalny sposób tworzą fundament dla innowacji i rozwoju, a także: tworzenie partnerstw, ciągły proces doskonalenia obszarów zarządzania organizacją, aktualizacja przyjętych strategii, celów w odniesieniu do zmian w otoczeniu, kryzysów i czasów niepewności, a także zdobywanie praktycznych, operacyjnych umiejętności w zakresie szeroko rozumianych funkcji zarządzania: planowania, organizowania, motywowania i kontrolowania podczas prowadzonych warsztatów, to cele, które przyświecają idei GÓR ZARZĄDZANIA.

GORY ZARZADZANIA program 29-05-2023

Przedsięwzięcie organizowane w dniu 29 maja 2023 roku poświęcone będzie: ZARZĄDZANIU W CZASACH KRYZYSU, rozpocznie się o godzinie 10.00 i potrwa do godziny 15.00 w Teatrze Zdrojowym w Szczawnie Zdroju. Przedsięwzięcie jest odpłatne, proponujemy uczestnictwo stacjonarne lub zdalne, gdyż konferencja będzie w całości transmitowana – online.


Miło nam poinformować, że wśród zaproszonych ekspertów, którzy wystąpią podczas GÓR ZARZĄDZANIA będą między innymi:
 Profesor Andrzej Kaleta – Rektor Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
 Profesor Ewa Bogacz – Wojtanowska – Dziekan Wydziału Zarządzania i Komunikacji Społecznej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie
 Profesor Marian Noga – Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we Wrocławiu,
 Profesor Paweł Bartoszczuk – Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie,
 Profesor Marek Banaszkiewicz – Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN
 Profesor Kesra Nermend – Uniwersytet Szczeciński
 Grzegorz Dziarski – Związek Miast Polskich
 Monika Bartosiewicz – Niziołek – Prezes Polskiego Towarzystwa Ewaluacyjnego
 Profesor Kazimierz Perechuda – Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu
 Marek Pasztetnik – Prezes Zachodniej Izby Gospodarczej,

 Profesor Stanisław Czaja – Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu,
 Doktor Karolina Lipińska – Politechnika Gdańska,
 Profesor Jerzy Korczak – Uniwersytet Wrocławski,
 Krzysztof Kras – Grupa Kras,
 Antoni Piechniczek – trener polskiej reprezentacji w piłce nożnej.


Investments on the Silk Road drive (not only) China’s maritime business

By Marek Grzybowski

Chinese companies were involved in 147 countries with an estimated amount of USD 67.8 billion through financial investments and contractual cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2022. This is slightly less than China’s involvement in BRI in 2021, which amounted to USD 68.7 billion, according to data from the Ministry of Commerce of the PRC.

Approximately USD 32.5 billion was allocated to direct investments, and USD 35.3 billion were construction contracts, which were partly financed by Chinese loans. Following the Covid-19 pandemic, China’s investment exposure in international markets has shown steady growth since 2020.

Cumulative investments under the BRI since the announcement of the BRI in 2013 amounted to USD 962 billion, of which approximately USD 573 in construction contracts and USD 389 in non-financial investments, enumerates Dr. Christoph Nedopil Wang, director and founder of the Green Finance & Development Center, associate professor at Fanhai International School of Finance (FISF) at Fudan University in Shanghai.

China’s average investment deal size increased from around US$444 million in 2020 and US$476 million in 2021 to US$650 million in 2022. This is the highest value since 2019. Compared to the peak in 2014, the investment deal volume is 21% smaller. In the case of construction projects, the transaction volume in 2022 was the lowest since the announcement of the BRI in 2013, as it decreased to USD 321 million compared to USD 530 million in 2021 and USD 386 million in 2020, according to data from the Ministry PRC Trade.

China’s investment involvement in BRI focuses on the energy sector (36% of expenditures) and the manufacturing sector for transport (18%), which, compared to 2021, is an increase in the total value by 60%. This is a continuation of the previously adopted strategy. This was noticeable in 2021.
Chinese involvement related to the energy sector accounted for the bulk of China’s BRI spending. In 2021, the total exposure in the energy sector was approximately USD 22.3 billion. This compares to an exposure of over USD 26.1 billion in 2020 and almost USD 44.8 billion in 2019. In 2021, the majority of investments in the energy-related sector concerned oil processing (31%), followed by use of solar and wind energy (31%) and gas (22%).

Source; Lommes – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

More: Investments on the Silk Road




Gdańsk University of Technology – Kraken supercomputer

By Marek Grzybowski

The STOS Competence Center of the Gdańsk University of Technology and the presentation of the Kraken supercomputer took place in Gdańsk on April 25, 2023.

– Kraken will have a nice computing power of 13.6 PFlops, which according to forecasts will place it in December 2023 in the TOP 100 most powerful supercomputers in the world and at the forefront of supercomputers used in Europe – said Prof. Ph.D., D. Sc., Eng. Krzysztof Wilde, Corresponding member of the PAS.

The Kraken PG supercomputer is located in a special building underground. The computer has seven server rooms and can operate alone or as a team of several supercomputers. Its work will be led by scientists from the Gdańsk University of Technology and the team of the Tri-City Academic Computer Network of GUT.
Buildings for the supercomputer and work for scientists were designed by ARCHDECO from Gdynia
Kraken will allow you to conduct advanced research and complex simulations. Its computing power will enable scientists to conduct advanced work in the field of the development of artificial intelligence algorithms, nuclear energy, environmental protection technologies, as well as medicine and pharmaceuticals.

The total cost of the investment will amount to almost PLN 250 million.

Kraken provides unlimited research and development opportunities and the development of new technologies and solutions that serve society, both now and in the future. The entire research complex has been designed so that its capabilities can be gradually expanded in the coming years – says prof. Henryk Krawczyk, director of CI TASK GUT and originator of the construction of the complex.

– The opening of the STOS GUT center and the launch of the Kraken supercomputer provides huge research potential and will also translate into an influx of a large number of young and talented people to Gdańsk who will stay with us on a permanent basis. This is one of the most modern complexes of this type in Europe, which will significantly increase the competitiveness and attractiveness of not only our university, but also the entire Pomeranian region – said Rector Wilde.


Baltic Sea and Space Cluster and SimLE student science club meeting

The meeting of the Baltic Sea and Space Cluster project team with representatives of the SimLE student science club took place on April 24, 2023. Marcin Jasiukowicz and Igor Rusiecki represented of SimLE. BSSC was represented by: Marek Grzybowski, Krzysztof Anzelewicz, Michał Igielski, Zdzisław Długosz. The meeting was also attended by Maximilian Minta, CEO, NEPTUN Studio. The meeting was also attended by Zaneta Kłostowska, editor of and representing the Hydrogen Technology Cluster.

BSSC supports students who develop their design passions and proposes positioning their ideas in international projects and projects implemented for business. The cluster supports students in shortening their path to acting in business that creates innovative projects.

– The BSS Cluster Pentagon Helix HUB integrates the transfer of knowledge between science and business, supports social initiatives, local governments and administration, develops investor relations in the maritime and space industry. BSSC integrates technological, legal and economic solutions at the scientific, business and social level – informed Marek Grzybowski, president of the BSSC.

– We believe that practical engineering activities from the concept to the implementation and implementation of the solution are the most effective way to prepare students for their future professional or scientific career. The task of our Scientific Circle is to create teams and equip them with means to solve interesting engineering problems – said Marcin Jasiukowicz, Vice President  SimLE.

Companies have programs that support innovative ideas and work of students – said Żaneta Kłostowska.

Neptun Studio was created as a result of the commercialization of innovative ideas and solutions in the field of IT and AI – said Maxymilian Minta.

Baltic Sea and Space Cluster specialized research teams operate within six Hubs, which brings together 60 Polish innovative companies. There are currently six Hubs: ICT & AI, construction of zero-emission ships – ZEVInnovation, design and construction of installations producing green energy – GreenTech, scientific-research, legal-financial and educational. All hubs bring together around 60 companies, research centers and R&D units. They cooperate with a group of approximately 2,300 cooperators, companies specializing in the design and implementation of innovative marine and space technologies, research and development, education and professional training for maritime industries. For over a dozen years the Baltic Sea and Space Cluster (BSSC) has been supporting innovations and development in the field of research, entrepreneurship, administration and local government, which are related to the Baltic Sea Region and the world ocean.

More than 50 GUT students are actively involved in technical projects implemented by SimLE, who are supported by representatives of other Tri-City universities. The technical design department takes care of our ideas from drawing the first sketches to screwing in the last screw. Marcin Jasiukowicz and Magdalena Sadowska, GUT Gdańsk, SimLE Stardust were awarded by the jury of the ‘Young Stars’ competition during the conference Safe Planet & Space Conference – IO PAN – SOPOT – March 23th, organised by IO PAN with the Baltic Sea and Space Cluster and Commission of Space Sciences PAN GDAŃSK.

Research and development projects as well as joint investments for hydrogen economy are the Cluster’s key missions. Its members are cooperating in the fields of information exchange, building economic connections, services and technologies. Cluster establishes broad cooperation with domestic and foreign organizations and other cluster networks and conducts educational and promotional activities as well.

Today the cluster develops in the Pentagon Helix formula, integrating the transfer of knowledge between science and business, supporting social initiatives, local government and administration, developing investor relations, says Marek Grzybowski and explains that today the cluster’s activity is characterized by a holistic, integrative and global approach, making the activity of maritime industries part of Economy 4.0. – We owe our position also to the close cooperation with the Space Science Commission of the Gdańsk Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences. 4 conferences on space and maritime technologies, maritime and space law, economics and social sciences are organized jointly every year.

The next meetings were planned to position the ideas and activities of students from the Tri-City University in the maritime and space business.



Tareq Jarour: eGlobExpo’s first International Conference will be in May in Egypt

By: Magdy Sadek

 The first international conference “eGlobExpo” on e-Commerce, e.Logistics, entrepreneurship, and investment will be held in the new administrative capital of Egypt under the slogan of the digital economy and investing in logistics

Provided that the second edition of the conference and its activities will be in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, due to the great economic renaissance it bears, the opening of investment prospects in it, and the vision. About the conference halls, the meeting was with Tareq Jarour, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Trio LLC, the organizing company

 Can you tell us more about the activities of your next conference in the administrative capital of Egypt next May?!

The conference will serve as a table for presenting experiences and ideas for projects that have not been realized on the ground and need more experience, encouragement, and financing, as well as emerging, small, and medium projects that seek development without deviating from their true goal for which they were established and correcting their paths

The conference is a unique experience as it will bring together all e-brands from around the world to learn about the latest eBiz-focused tactics and strategies, integrate with each other, and find partners with solutions to help them take their business to the next level with successful digital transformation.

What is the idea behind the slogan “Invest in Logistics”?!

We emphasize the importance of investing in the logistics sector by the private sector, especially since it is managed globally through this sector. As changes are instantaneous in this sector, whether in technologies or the prices of these services, which requires flexibility in determining the profit margin on the one hand and on the other hand the acquisition or merger with other entities in this sector, which is a key factor for building large economic entities facing challenges and market fluctuations.

And as I said, the private sector has the flexibility to conclude such deals on behalf of the government sector, which is governed by many local or international factors such as responsibility, commitment, bureaucracy, and bearing the burdens of conflicts or market fluctuations. Therefore, we find today, whether in Egypt or Saudi Arabia, interest in investment and the private sector, as well as emerging companies and small and medium enterprises that represent the mainstay of the national economy.

We affirm that the forum will be the first technological and logistical conference that presents innovative technological solutions in the field of logistics, highlighting mechanization and digitization, and reducing the cost of commercial and industrial solutions and logistics industries, so that there is a digital infrastructure for smart manufacturing so that it is in line with the serious challenges with the fourth industrial revolution in terms of artificial intelligence, automation, the Internet of things and the block Chain and others

Why did you choose to launch the first edition in Egypt? And why was your concern for the Saudi Kingdom to be the second stop for that event?!

Egypt and Saudi Arabia are two main stations in the world of trade and business locally, regionally, and globally, because of the logistical and ports infrastructure that both countries enjoy also a geo-strategic location is an important point for the Arab trade movement together.

The conference is a global forum on Egyptian soil, which includes all international companies specialized in the field of digital transformation, as the conference represents a valuable in addition to the Egyptian economy and contributes to the integration of emerging companies.

The forum represents an opportunity to present investment opportunities in Egypt and Saudi Arabia in a field that is the backbone of the trade, which is logistics and sea, dry, and land ports, and put it up for dialogue to support the idea of ​​the logistics center, which is the strategy of the two countries, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia 2030, to become the largest logistics center in the region.

What will make the conference unique considering the global challenges in the logistics industry? What are the most important topics and axes that will be raised through its activities?!

The conference agenda includes a variety of sessions that allow participants to discuss new industry trends, listen to expert opinions on key issues, and learn about new products and consumer needs, and study market changes in the coming period and its ongoing challenges.

The program also includes discussion sessions related to all fields of industry, where the conference will hold seminars, workshops, and round tables on many financial, economic, and commercial issues in Egypt and other countries of the world, especially since the world, including Egypt and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, are interested in e. commerce, which now represents a large percentage from the global trade movement and the interest of the private sector and the increasing growth in e-commerce companies, which are witnessing a significant increase, whether in Egypt or Saudi Arabia, as it reaches ten times every year, which makes Egypt one of the largest dynamic markets in the world. As well as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Do the activities of the conference include many other topics such as opportunities for emerging companies to meet with financing institutions?

The Conference eGlobExpo Presents the future of digital transformation in the world and learns about the latest Technologies and insights from leading brands and service providers to help companies build a successful digital transformation strategy.

Also, the event includes thousands of professionals and experts from all fields and solution providers around the world, which provides an opportunity for entrepreneurs and startup owners to communicate with them and learn from their previous experiences so that their businesses can advance globally under the shadow of global competitions, and supporting them, whether by direct financing or financing through the acquisition of stakes in these companies, especially since digital transformation is the future of all businesses and industries.

Digital infrastructure is one of the most important themes of the conference and the transfer of modern technology, whether for companies that will start or start-ups. To what extent will this be announced or implemented through the activities of the conference?

The conference represents an opportunity for partnership, merger, exchange of supplies and digital data in the field of e-commerce, logistics technology, digital dealing, and billing to other electronic transactions, which means the transfer of these modern technologies to the small and medium companies in the Egyptian market

 Funding is one of the most important problems for startups. To what extent do you have solutions to it?

Funding has many faces, direct financing, or financing through the acquisition of shares in these companies. This is an essential aspect. Large and international institutions have expressed their interest and willingness to take practical steps in this regard.

We are interested in e.commerce, one of the most important axes and objectives of the conference. To what extent did this interest come in this file, which has become the focal point of the global trade movement?

Indeed, e.commerce represents one of the most important components of the global trade movement in light of our entry into the world of digitization, which has become part of the “life” movement now, and it is a growing trade in the world, as it represents 2 billion online marketers in the world. only in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, more than 80 billion Saudi riyals in 2021 Only an increase of 14% from 2020, and in the latest report of UNCTAD, it is expected that global trade will reach a record level of about 32 trillion US dollars for the year 2022, as it is the “future” of the global trade movement, which is witnessing great growth in the future.

 Why did you become interested in the land transport and multimodal transport sector?! Didn’t this sector, whether in Egypt or the Saudi Kingdom, receive the required attention?!

The land and multimodal transport sector are a real “lung” to serve the logistics sector. In Egypt, the Egyptian government has taken care of establishing the infrastructure for this vital sector and linking it, whether to seaports or dry ports, as a logistical extension that complements the supply chain.

In Saudi Arabia, according to Vision 2030, the interest in these sectors came as a strategic importance for the trade movement, as the total lengths of future railways were increased, and the implementation of the “land bridge” project is one of the most important components of the strategy.

Connecting the Kingdom’s ports on the coasts of the Arabian Gulf and the Red Sea, with modern logistical centers, centers for economic activities, industrial cities, and mining activities, which will contribute to promoting sustainable development, creating a safe and highly efficient link network and relieving pressure on land roads.

It will also create an efficient supply and transport system within the Kingdom. Its importance and efficiency will increase by linking it, in the future, to the Gulf network.